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Maritime Innovation Day

Together with leading innovators in the Maritime sector, ZEM CTO, Egil Mollestad and Chairman, Jan Olaf Willums, discussed the economics of bringing hybrid/electric solutions to the maritime and offshore industries.

As stated in the day's agenda:"... As the recent Green Shipping Technology conference in Copenhagen amply demonstrated, new technology is becoming available that can both deliver real cost savings and move the shipping industry towards full emissions regulatory compliance. What we now need are new business models and incentives to enhance efficiency and performance of the shipping fleet that will cut costs, pollution, and risk. ... We need now new sources of third-party capital for both new installations and efficiency retrofit: We have to attract sources of private finance and developing the financial mechanisms to accelerate investment. However, shipping companies or ship owners that pay for technology retrofits do not receive the full benefit because clients and others enjoy the fuel and thus monetary savings – therefore aligning financial and environmental interests is crucial to facilitating needed capital flows.

These challenges and solutions were addressed by ZEM and other participants at the Maritime Innovation Day.

The Maritime Innovation day was co-arranged by the Maritime & Offshore Forum, the Maritime Battery Forum, and the Norwegian Business School.

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